What a fantastic list Tea. I think thgnis really take a turn for the better when you start thinking about your blog as belonging to your readers and not to you. Most bloggers think about their blog as being their own. What’s my blog doing for me?Flip that around and start thinking, What can my blog do for others? How can I help the people who read what I have to say? When you start thinking like that it’s very easy to start implementing most of this list. In fact, you’ll probably do it without even thinking about it.DJDJ Colter recently posted..
What a fantastic list Tea. I think thgnis really take a turn for the better when you start thinking about your blog as belonging to your readers and not to you. Most bloggers think about their blog as being their own. What’s my blog doing for me?Flip that around and start thinking, What can my blog do for others? How can I help the people who read what I have to say? When you start thinking like that it’s very easy to start implementing most of this list. In fact, you’ll probably do it without even thinking about it.DJDJ Colter recently posted..